Thursday, February 28, 2013

Chilly Willy

So I finally was able to get out today after a busy week at the Inn, and weather that was not very conducive to cycling. It was a cool 47 degrees (for Mississippi), at Noon so I decided to stay off the Trace and ride the Ridgeland bike paths. One reason was because there was a cold wind and the trees on the path protect you from the wind. Secondly, with everything else going on this week, I didn't feel very focused for riding and wanted to avoid traffic. There was practically nobody on the bike paths and I didn't have to think a lot about running into walkers or cyclists. Good day to bundle up with arm and leg warmers to protect me from the cold. When you ride a cycle, the cold air feels probably 20 degrees cooler on a bike than walking. I started north and went as far as I could before the path came to a dead end and then I turned around and went back to where I started. Then headed south and dead ended before turning around and returning to the Natchez Center in Ridgeland. Completed 22.3 miles in  1 hr. 42 mins. Climbed 1230 ft. and burned 691 calories. with an average speed of 13.1 mph. I have figured out that drinking water with Emergen-C gives me gas while I'm riding, so I'm back to drinking plain water on the ride. I've been riding this week without my panniers, so I'll have to get them back on the bike and start loading them with weight to experience how it will be when I am in England. I hope you will consider supporting the charities and sponsoring my ride. Any donation is welcome! Two weddings this weekend, but hope to get in a 60 mile plus ride. Stay tuned........